
{another family} christmas 2009

We spend Christmas Eve with D.'s parents every year & this year was no different!

Matt,9 - Emily,11 - Ava,3
She loves her cousins sooo much!

We kicked of the celebration by stuffing our faces, of course - delicious as always!

Then we dove into the presents...

Such a precious face!

New dishes and silverware - yay!
Her presents had a 'theme' this year...
She kept opening up kitchen stuff after kitchen stuff - food, cookware, tableware, shopping cart, etc...
Because she got the new kitchen she asked for!!
She was sooo excited!!

I couldn't tear her away from it for a picture, even - haha!
She has played with it daily since we brought it home - she loves it!
Here is D.Might with his brother, Chris, and his Mom & Dad - notice D. is the only one looking my way -- that has NEVER happened like that...ha!
Mimi & PawPaw with their Grandkids!

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