
island getaway : 2010 : part I

Soooo...OBVIOUSLY my 'trying to blog daily' thing didn't go over so well - HA!
I will try to do better, it's the whole download all the pictures on the computer, upload them to Blogger, fill in the details with the most amazing story ever thing that slows me down :)

I digress...

Since I finally got Christmas covered, let's move on forward to New Years!!
We seriously do absolutely nothing for New Years - well, we eat black eyed peas, but as for staying up past 11pm - negative.

This year, however, was a little different.
We were in bed long before 11pm in order to be rested so we'd be bright eyed & bushy tailed to catch our flight to NYC!!
This go round, it wasn't just me & D.Might - his parents got to come up for a few days & meander around our second home!

PREFACE:: D.'s Mom {aka Mimi, aka Brenda} had never flown before. Ever.
Everywhere she's ever been to has been within driving distance. 
Needless to say we loaded up on the motion-sickness medicine before we left.

Days, weeks even, before hand - we went over everything with her, what to expect, what to take, what not to take, etc. I even went over & packed her carry-on for her...
And then she re-packed it after I left...
Next time she'll probably just leave it the way I had it, because...

there's just no better way to kick off a vacation than being flagged by security!!
D. & I were dying laughing & posting this on FB so all her friends could see that she was already into trouble - HAHAA!!

Luckily, our flight was very uneventful and she really enjoyed it!!
I did very well for myself, if I might add - no sickies this time - I slept 3/4 of the ride, so that was wonderful!

After we made it to New York & got our stuff settled, we dove right into city life...

Tom & Brenda's first Subway ride!
{this picture is sooo out of order, but I had to throw it in here}

Our first stop after freshening up was to our favorite Pizzaria... Abatino's!

My mouth is watering already.
I could drink that marinara sauce...

I became an addict while on this trip - fully addicted to classic Coca-Cola!!
Is this not the cutest bottle ever?!?!

They became addicted to real New York pizza.
I don't blame them at all - what a wonderful thing to be addicted to...

Here is the owner & all his wonderful delicious creations...

After we got our belly's full - we headed out to show them Times Square!

Do you see the confetti still falling from the sky?!?!

Words cannot describe how it felt to be in Times Square on New Years - mind you, we missed the 1.3 million people who were there just a few hours earlier & for that I am thankful!
I would trip. plum. out. in that crowd of crazies!!!

I never get tired of this site...

Me & the Hubs lovin' it.

Tom & Brenda - first time in Times Square!

For such a big celebration with tons & tons of trash - the streets were completely clean by the time we got there!
Here's a glimpse of what remained... confetti & police barricades...

Our traditional shot in Times Square
{notice the gawker over on the right - uh, dude - seriously!}

Did I mention I never get tired of all the lights...

Before we left, we asked Ava what she wanted us to bring her back from the City.
She named  two things:
1. Pink & Purple Yum-Yum's
2. A new I{HEART}NY T-Shirt

So, first things first....

How could you not love Blue Fever?!

Me loading up a bag of Yum-Yum's for Tutu!

I also never get tired of being surrounded by all that chocolate... 3 floors worth of it...

... and here is request #2 fulfilled!

The thing I love about NYC is that everything {well, almost everything} is within walking distance!
So we walked on over to Rockefeller Plaza to see the Tree...

Love this pic of us!

I'll probably frame this one too...

Oh & this one for sure!
I snapped this pic of Rockefeller Plaza as we were making our way down the block - love it!

And of course, the Empire State building was still lit up in it's festive Christmas red & green lights!

Day 2 was scheduled out to be PACKED FULL of sight-seeing!!
We went back to watch the ice skaters & see if maybe we could get in on the action, too - um, however, it was really cold & I really didn't want to fall on my rear & walk around with damp pants all day, so we passed :)

But watching all of these people skate was fun!

Then it was on over to Top of the Rock...

How stinkin' cute do we look all bundled up?!?!

Neither of us had been to Top of the Rock before, so we were all pretty excited!
And when we got off the elevator and saw this...


I knew it was going to be wonderful.
I have this print in black and white {that takes up half a wall} & would stare at it forever growing up - daydreaming about walking those streets...
It was fate.

Home Sweet Home.
Tom & Brenda - Empire State Building behind them.

D.Might & I - expect to see this on our Christmas Card this year ;)

My attempt at artistic photography - Central Park.

We then went up to the highest deck to try to get a few more shots...
Let's just say the wind was unbearable & I literally walked out on the level & walked back to the escalator to go back down! My hair was beyond windblown...

I snapped this pic of D. & Tom deciding on what trains to take for the day while Brenda & I were warming up...

don't look so happy Tom.
I mean, you're on a fabulous vacay to the best city in the world with the most awesome tour guides ever, but you should really tone down all that enthusiasm... ;)

Me & Bren - rockin' the windblown look!

Awww - Twins!!

We walked over to Saks to see the windows that were still up...

I loved this window with the Mom pushing the pink Baby Carriage ;)

Oh & I guess we also needed to go to Saks to get some shoes...

Oh yes.

I found this darling pair when I walked in the door...

Christian Louboutin Peep Toe Pumps :: $865

My FIL's reaction to the price tag & having to take a seat :: PRICELESS

We walked a few more blocks up to FAO SHWARZ...

This man was doing an amazing paper airplane demonstration - it was pretty cool so they picked up one to take home for Matt!

Of course, D. & I hopped on the Piano with all the little children.
Tom & Brenda looked at us like we were crazy & refused to take their shoes off!

But they did pose with this guy outside, haha!

Lunch was at one of our favorite 'go-to' Cafe's - the Duke.

This is usually my 'day of arrival' food - I crave it the minute I get in the cab from the airport!
I have no idea why it tastes so good to me, but it does...
{mouth is watering again...}

After lunch, we took the Subway down to the Financial District.
We came out right at St. Paul's Cathedral.
Amazing that it withstood the attacks of September 11, 2001.
Ground Zero is directly in front of it - 15 steps.

We walked all the way around were the towers were & instead of viewing the progress from our usual place, D.Might took us to a viewing platform where we could see everything.

We passed this Fire House on our way there...

It's amazing how still and quite things still are around there.


This tree was decorated with pictures of those who gave all & ornaments & decorations hand made for them.

A Memorial for all of the Fallen Firefighter's is on the side of the Fire House.

The picture below got me a little misty...

... but this next one had me in tears.

I overheard this little boy ask his Mother if it would be okay for him to pay tribute to the Fallen.
He stood there so quietly, so reverent, saluting them for a little while.
The tears just poured down - and honestly - it's hard to look at this picture without still getting emotional about it.
I can still hear his sweet little voice.

We eventually made our way to the observation area...

D. & I - Ground Zero behind us

Looking at the progress that is being made is simply amazing.
It was so neat to hear my FIL talk about what all equipment they were using and explaining how they were doing things - if you don't know already, Tom is a construction GENIUS. No doubt.

This structure is so much more massive than this picture portrays.
They are also making progress on the September 11th Memorial sites, as well.
It is all so amazing to see...

After walking around Lower Manhattan all afternoon, we headed back to Midtown to visit Grand Central Station.

This is one of the most beautiful buildings I have ever seen!

Seriously - HUGE Chandeliers everywhere you look!
Not bad for a place where you catch the train...

Whilst we were meandering around the Station... I spotted something that Tom & Brenda HAD to try before they left the City...

Oh how I love me some Black & White cookie!!!
Spongey cookie goodness with two kinds of icing - um - delish, much?!?!
Tom & Brenda enjoyed theirs, as well -
D.Might can't stand them.
His taste buds are crazy.


Lisa S. said...

April, I L-O-V-E the tour...I'll never be able to see NYC in person, so I really enjoy seeing it through your eyes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Kelly said...

LOVE all of the pics. Makes me miss going there.

Gigi said...

Love the pics and the novella! It is the greatest city in the world!

Lisa S. said...

April, where are you? I need a blog fix!!!!!!