{because the fabulous Ms. Lisa S. requested that I quit resting on my laurels and return to blogging :) Love ya, girl!}
Are you ready for round 2 ?!?!
Just some proof that Dusty does actually work while we are in NYC - here are some views from his office there...
Midtown Office : Empire State Building
5th Avenue Office : Grand Central is at the end of the street down there...
Not too shabby, huh?!?!
Anyways - on with the show...
Sunday morning we got up & did our usual breakfast thing {the Hotel's breakfast is seriously delish, btw} & then headed out to attend Worship Services.
Of course, we were true New Yorkers & took the Subway to church - so fun!
In all of Manhattan there is ONE - count 'em - ONE Church of Christ & we are so glad we did our research to find it!!
Does this building look like a Church Building to you?!
See that door furthest on the right???
That's the entrance.
And it's not even for where they Worship.
It's some kind of business.
You have to keep walking until you see this...
I know you're probably thinking 'Um - seriously?!'
Yes. Seriously.
You walk through those double doors & down a flight of stairs to a room about the size of a general classroom.
These people Worship in what is basically the basement of that large building.
The restrooms are located behind the basement laundry room where the housekeepers were busy working.
Yet, we were so uplifted and refreshed in His word by Worshiping with the brethren at the Upper West Manhattan Church of Christ.
We met some wonderful people there who were so sincere in their appreciation of our attendance.
Their love for the Lord and the quest to follow His word without adding to it or taking away from it was truly genuine.
I hope someday I get the chance to Worship with them again!
After Services, we took the Subway back to Midtown to grab a quick bite to eat...
Have you ever seen anything more beautiful on a bun?!
MMMM - there is no better Hot Dog on this Earth than Gray's Papaya and I am here to tell the whole world {or at least y'all wonderful blog readers ;)}
Recent converts.
When we stepped outside it had started to snow big huge snowflakes - so beautiful!
We had a full afternoon of sightseeing planned, too - we hadn't checked the weather first, obviously!
So, we didn't do as much walking around downtown as we usually do, but we managed to hit some highlights...
I love this view of Trinity Church from Wall Street - this whole district {technically, whole city!} is so Historical - right. up. my. alley.
I love, love, LOVE all the cobblestone streets....
I love knowing that I'm walking on the same streets that George Washington did.
I love knowing that I'm walking on the same streets that George Washington did.
We managed to go see the Bull again, but it was getting colder & colder the closer we got to the water!
We did make it down to Battery Park, as well - there is a great view of the Statue of Liberty down there, but the winds coming off the harbor were unbearable. Seriously unbearable.
However, I love to visit 'The Sphere' that is kept in Battery Park...
This plaque tells why 'The Sphere' is located in Battery Park for now - click on it to enlarge it so you can read it....
I'll wait...
Can you tell how large it is?!
See those people standing behind it?!
On our way out of the park in order to find a hot drink of any kind, this monument caught my eye -
On our way out of the park in order to find a hot drink of any kind, this monument caught my eye -
And I can't believe I've missed this little gem every time...
Fate I tell you - FATE!!!!
I was born 368 years to the day after the purchase of Manhattan!!
I was pretty durn excited to see that :)
After we warmed up a little & found some hot chocolate {a Venti with Toffee, downed in about a 1/2 a block} we freshened up for our dinner reservation.
We had heard of this place via my little Sistar, but apparently Kelly Ripa talks about it daily on her show.
Now I know why.
And I don't blame her, either.
Oh yes - we had Tom & Brenda's 'farewell dinner' at 5 Napkin Burger.
It was quite possibly the most delicious meal I've ever had.
You can quote me on that.
I was pretty durn excited to see that :)
After we warmed up a little & found some hot chocolate {a Venti with Toffee, downed in about a 1/2 a block} we freshened up for our dinner reservation.
We had heard of this place via my little Sistar, but apparently Kelly Ripa talks about it daily on her show.
Now I know why.
And I don't blame her, either.
Oh yes - we had Tom & Brenda's 'farewell dinner' at 5 Napkin Burger.
It was quite possibly the most delicious meal I've ever had.
You can quote me on that.
Tom & Bren looking over the menu after we were seated.
The atmosphere of this place was awesome - lined in subway tiles, dimly lit, music {really good music at that} pumpin', antique kitchen utensils & butcher shop decor - loved it.
Whoa - um, hello?!
Ever heard of a hairbrush much?!
Oh well - here's D & me before ordering.
Everything on the menu looked so delish.
Well, almost everything.
Something that Dusty L.O.V.E.S. also happened to be on the menu & it just so happens I had never had it before {I know, a food I'd never had before - you're shocked!}...
As in raw fish, wasabi lovin, sticky rice Sushi.
That's his 'patent food face' that he only shows for foods he loves.
He is crazy about some sushi.
So he dared the rest of us to try it.
Brenda popped hers, no prob.
Tom & I were a little bit more leery...
So we made a deal.
If he'd eat it -
then I'd eat it.
So - here was Tom's turn.
Shoved the whole thing in his mouth & followed it with some Coke.
And - then it was my turn.
Mind you I don't even like cooked fish {yes, I'm quite southern & can't stand catfish, sue me - it's a texture thing really...}, much less raw fish.
So I popped it in as fast as I could - I think I might have even held my nose....
But as soon as it hit my taste buds, I spit it back out!
Discreetly in a napkin, of course.
My poor FIL, he obviously didn't raise girls.... he should have made me go first to ensure that I wouldn't chicken out & make him look ridiculous for making a deal that he knew I wouldn't go through with :)
Lessons learned :
I still don't like sushi & Tom will make me do whatever it is BEFORE he does it next time.
I still don't like sushi & Tom will make me do whatever it is BEFORE he does it next time.
Luckily my appetite didn't spoil...
Look at all that deliciousness!!
They call it 5 Napkin Burger for a reason - let me tell ya - but those fries were oh sooo good, too!!
Tom & Brenda headed out Monday morning & I spent the day shopping and wandering around my favorite city while Dusty squeezed a little work in :)
Monday night we decided to take a ride...
Tom & Brenda headed out Monday morning & I spent the day shopping and wandering around my favorite city while Dusty squeezed a little work in :)
Monday night we decided to take a ride...
on the Staten Island Ferry!
It loops around by the Statue of Liberty and there is a beautiful view of the skyline at night - plus it's FREE!
D & I enjoying the ride.
This boat is CRAZY big.
Like crrraaazzzyyyy big.
I loved the teal paint & all the old wood.
No telling how many years or how many people these boats have transported.
I bet George rode on it...
Loved this pic of the Statue of Liberty as viewed through Dusty's reflection :)
Here's just a glimpse of the skyline at night...
It was FREEZING cold out on the decks & super windy, so I didn't get the best shot.
That's the Brooklyn Bridge over on the right.
I spent the next day shopping & sightseeing as well - because that's what I do best.
Dusty joined me for a trip to one of the most fabulous places in the city.
Dylan's Candy Bar.
Candy is serious business to me, people.
That girl beside me would not move & had she understood English, I would have told her she was in dangerous territory - standing in my way whilst I try to get the goods.
Have I mentioned how much I L.O., L.O., LO., L.O.V.E. this place?!
It's the only bar I'll ever go in :)
Of course, we had to bring something back for Tutu.
I don't share candy - so I got her her very own personalized candy jar!
We headed over to the Theater District for dinner at Ellen's Stardust Diner.
*WARNING : Do not eat here if there are guys in your group. This is not a place guys want to go. We learned that the hard way!*
Ironic much?!
The Mathis' were seated at the table directly in front of Johnny Mathis' album!
Ellen's is an old fashion diner {which was probably last updated somewhere around 1958} where aspiring Broadway stars are employed.
Yes, they sing the whole time.
Yes, they also dance on the tables.
And here is what Dusty thought about all of that.
And here I am laughing at all of his faces he was making!
He is seriously some kind of hilarious.
We chose to eat there for two reasons:
1. My Sistar had just been there on her trip & said we have to go {I think she meant me & her, not me & D :) oops - my bad}
2. The Gershwin Theater is directly accross the street.
Why would we care about the Theater you ask?!...
Because we had tickets to see WICKED!!!!!!!!!
We had both read the book before hand {okay, so I lacked like 3 chapters, but I still knew the gist} and were completely SIKED to see the play!
Dusty snagged this pic before the play started {flash photography is not allowed}.
I have never been to anything like it in. my. life.
I loved every second of it.
I was singing along, laughing, hoopin-n-hollerin, on my feet clapping - it was a.maze.ing.
Dusty actually enjoyed it too.
I enjoyed it so much - I plopped down $5 for a Coke in a commemorative cup & scored some totally awesome shirts that I couldn't live without that I will not reveal how much I payed for :)
We are both pretty anxious to go see it again!
And with that, our trip to the City of Lights was winding down...
I snapped this pic on our departure flight.
Oh how I love this little Island so much...
It is so wonderful.
I hope someday I get to go back - and eventually take Ava there, too - since she already loves it as much as I do :)
Wonderful again....love to see the city through your eyes and comments!
It's OFFICIAL! I.am.a.STAR! I was mentioned on MY FAV BLOG, by name, by MY FAV BLOGGER!!!!! Life doesn't get any better than this!
Seriously, I loved this installment of the NYC trip. I learned a lot and loved seeing it with you. I think you could enter that pic of D and the Statue of Liberty in a contest...awesome!
I love the way you write and describe things...you've GOT to write a book! It would be a best seller FO SHO! Love ya and can't wait for next entry!
Gee whiz, where did nyou nget nyour writing skills? Not from Ninner, that's nfor sure. loved this.
April ~ Loved, loved, loved your posts about NYC and Staten Island. I've always said I wanted to go, but now I reeeallly want to go! :) I have cousins in NYC, so we already have tour guides! Loved all the pics..so cool - especially the one of the Statue of Liberty through Dusty's reflec. Also, loved the pics/story in the theater diner - hilarious!
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