the saturday before easter sunday, we went down to visit my sister & spend the day with her!
to our surprise, when we got to her apartment, the easter bunny had already paid her a visit!!
she told ava that the easter bunny had been to her house in the night & that she could hear him hopping around - so ava needed to look & see if he had left anything behind...
so she looked under & behind everything she could - & he had indeed left some things behind!!
ashes then told her 'i even heard him getting in my refrigerator last night! i hope he didn't eat all my ice cream!' so off ava went to check the fridge/freezer...
and sure enough - he had left something in there, too!
she was pretty excited to say the least - haha!
i love her expression in this pic!!
why yes, he left her not only a 'piggy' silver ornament, but also a five dollar bill...
obviously he is not the same easter bunny that visits ava at home ;)
gigi, ashes & ava going over all the loot the easter bunny left at ashes' house!
consisting of yum-yum's & money.
clearly - the easter bunny knows tutu very well ;)
love these two so much!
best. auntie. ever.
after we got home that night, ava discovered she had another easter basket waiting on her!
ninner & papa t.v. had to get her some goodies, too!!
she loves her cowgirl book the most ;)
in fact, so much - that she now has pink cowgirl boots, a pink cowgirl hat & a pink rope!
and that brings us to easter morning ::
somedays she wakes up a little like her momma ;) -
but she was still excited to see that the easter bunny had left her a basket out in the yard!
after she opened up her goodies, it was time to get ready for church!
is she not just the cutest thing?!
she wore her pearl necklace & bracelet for the first time!!
after services, we headed over to mimi's to eat & hunt eggs with the cousins...
and of course open another basket!
emily was 'too old' to hunt eggs this year, so it was just ava & matt - ava loved searching for them & throwing them in her basket! however, she did ask for a little help when her basket got too heavy - ha!
ava & dad : easter 2010
(both had their eyes open! yay!!)
after mimi's we headed over to gigi's...
where she opened basket #4 ;)
this girl seriously loves her some wizard of oz!
and she also got her first taste of some play 'make-up' ;)
needless to say we all had a fabulous easter & enjoyed spending it with our families!
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