
spice girls lunch

this was year numero dos for our 'spice girls lunch' ;)
for those of you who have never heard of the spice girls, i highly suggest you google them.
they were pretty rockin' in the late 90's.

this year, we met at a half-way point for all of us - in a lovely little mexican restaurant.
because, one thing has not changed in the least little bit over 10 years.
our mutual love for salsa, chips, and all that is mexican food.

here is ava holding sweet baby delta ;) i cannot believe she just turned a year old!!

and here are ava & kayden!!
ha - it looks like she having to hold him beside her to take a picture - haha!

and here are our three babies!!!
they are all so adorable & they get along so well!!
i am so thankful to still have these girls {and now their hubbies & kiddo's} in my life :)

and if you're wondering why i keep referring to us as the spice girls...

aimee : air guitar, tamera : vocals, april : drums
it was always amazing what we could do with a friday night, no t.v., a TON of hairspray, a hairbrush & a flower arrangement ;)

d.j. : baby spice, april : posh spice, aimee : ginger spice, tamera : scary spice

love those girls.
and the fact that they put these on facebook for ALL the world to see ;)

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