
Someone Came to Town...

...and in anticipation of Mr. S.C.'s arrival, someone left out a little treat for him!

 Santa sent word that he had eaten PLENTY of cookies & wanted something a little different this year -- luckily for him, there is always a box of brownie mix at the Mathis house!
Ava left Santa some Chewy Fudge Brownies with powdered sugar on top and a big 'ole mug of milk!
She also left some carrots for Rudolph :)

She was F.U.L.L. of questions this year!
'How will Santa come down the chimney to get the presents in here?'
'How will he get back on the roof?'
'Are you sure he'll take these carrots to Rudolph?!'

But she did go to bed & fell fast asleep after we read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' :)

 Here she is coming into the Living Room on Christmas morning!
I absolutely LOVE that she still has her 'Chicken Hair' {as we call it} - haha!
She was sooo excited to see what Santa left for her :)
She only asked for 2 things this year {after days & days of me taking her to the store to pick things out to put on her list - all she wanted was a new pink kitchen & a baby doll center} & this was the look on her face when she saw the Baby Doll Center all gussied up & waiting for her!

 Loving her Princess flashlight - uses it daily.

 Loving her Little Mermaid blanket & her new watch!

  Ava & Daddy - Christmas Morning - 2009
{notice the gumball machine in the background - also used daily}

 Ava & Mommy - Christmas Morning - 2009
{Yes! I got a windshield cleaner & I love it!}

 She is all about her some Ring Pop suckers!

 Putting her new Little People Castle together - it's what Daddy's do best!

What a wonderful way to spend Christmas Morning - just the three of us, some Cinamon Rolls, & playing with new toys!
Oh - and Stella was there, too, of course!
Christmas Eve Ava asked me if she could write another letter to Santa real quick because she needed to ask for one more thing & here is what she told me to write:

'Dear Santa,
Stella has been good, too.
Please bring her a toy so that I can play with her.
Like a stick thingy & a ball.
Thank you, Santa!
Love, Ava'

Is that not the sweetest thing?!?!

We are so blessed!


Gigi said...

Absolutely the sweetest! Thanks for the pictures!

lori.cossey said...

She is the sweetest girl. Sissy also likes to get flashlights for Christmas! and if Sissy had known ava could have had the gumball machine Seth has had for years! looks just like hers but red! luv luv luv